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Handbook for all OASD extra curriculars.
This policy handbook is used to establish expectations and basic policy for the Wave Robotics team members. This policy handbook is current as of the date in the header of this document. This is a living document and a work in progress. There may be changes, additions and deletions to the handbook throughout the year. All updates will be reported to the Oshkosh FIRST Board of Directors and the team members. For contact information and an updated calendar, please reference our website: or see a lead team member.
Wave Robotics will be running the concessions during the Mavericks Performance at Waterfest
TWIST (Together, Women in STEM Thrive) is an Off Season event with a twist, centered around creating an empowering and inclusive environment for girls to take their skills to the next level.
Wave Robotics attended CARE Days at Oshkosh West!
Wave Robotics (Team 2826) is the Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA, team participating in the First Robotics Championship since 2008
Wave Robotics attended Championships in Houston, TX!
Wave Robotics has won many awards
Wave Robotics won the Impact award at the Central Illinois Regional!
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